Hey what’s up?

In beginning November I flewkey from Calgary to Santa Clara California (San Jose) to attend Brendon Burshard’s high performance academy.
It was an Intense high energy four day event from morning to night that reached into every essential area of living a charged and engaged life.
I was determined grow and make this event count…
…so I took notes like a mad man, opened myself up to really getting out of my comfort zone with group discussions and really became aware of and considering ideas that conflicted with my own.
I met and connected with some really valuable and interesting people; mostly entrepreneurs ( some of whom I’m still in contact with) and walked away with a greater sense of clarity and drive.
After the event I sifted sorted and condensed my notes into a practical 10 summary and thought I should share this with those who attended the event:
>> Download My Condensed 10 Page Notes On the Brendon Burchard Event. <<
If you didn’t go to the event your welcome to my notes, but in no way is this document a replacement for the firsthand experience of attending this event.
Just look at the buzz of people waiting to get into the conference hall (video)…
If you on the fence about going to this event then let me be the first one to push you off and say Just Go, You’ll be happy you did. Brendon even provides more a free video series on high performance on his site you can find here : http://www.highperformanceacademy.com/
Before you go, I want to give you something special…
…I complied the notes for my own personal use and sharing it here, but for me that’s not enough… I got to keep these insights top of mind and INFUSE them with my daily thought process – make it seep into my subconscious…
… That’s why I composed a list of affirmations for daily reciting of the principals, insights and success beliefs I got from this event.
>> Download the Affirmations here <<
I recommend going through them and editing them so they resonate with you.
That’s all. Hope that helps.
Let me know what you think in the comments below…